MARMOT 27940-1937 vs Coleman 2000007824

MARMOT 27940-1937 vs Coleman 2000007824 Product Comparison

MARMOT 27940-1937 vs Coleman 2000007824 product comparison & buy recommendation

MARMOT 27940-1937 vs Coleman 2000007824 Result

Considering rating, we recommend buying the MARMOT 27940-1937
Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the Coleman 2000007824
Considering price, we recommend buying the Coleman 2000007824

👉 Overall, we would recommend buying the Coleman 2000007824 🏅

When deciding between MARMOT 27940-1937 vs Coleman 2000007824, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the MARMOT 27940-1937 and Coleman 2000007824 in our comparison table:

MARMOT 27940-1937 Coleman 2000007824
Title MARMOT Limelight 3P Coleman Camping Tent with Screen Room | 8 Person Evanston Dome Tent with Screened Porch
Price $241.46 $160.36 🏆
Rating 4.8 🏆 4.6
Reviews 100 6,024 🏆
Sales Rank 63495 2446
Brand MARMOT Coleman
Manufacturer MARMOT Coleman
Model 27940-1937 2000007824
  • Canopy fabric: 40d 100% Polyester No-See-Um Mesh F/R – 68d 100% Polyester Taffeta F/R
  • Dimensions: 48 x 68 x 90in – 122 x 173 x 229cm
  • Floor fabric: 68d Polyester Taffeta 190T 2000mm F/R
  • Fly fabric: 68d Polyester Taffeta 190T 1500mm F/R
  • Zone Pre-Bend Construction Creates Vertical Walls, More Roomy Sleeping Area and Greater Head Room
  • Weatherproof; Welded corners and inverted seams keep water from getting in; included rainfly offers extra weather protection
  • Conventional Pitch: Sets Up in 15 Minutes
  • Roomy interior: 15 x 12 ft. With 6 ft. Center height; fits 2 queen-size air beds
  • Bug-free lounging: 10 x 5 ft. Full-floor screen room
  • Carry bag: Included for easy storage
  • 1-year limited warranty
Warranty n/a Manufacturer Warranty
Release Date n/a 2011-01-01
Height 7.87401574 Inches 9.75 Inches
Width 11.81102361 Inches 11.0 Inches
Length 19.68503935 Inches 27.75 Inches
Weight 6.5807985207 Pounds 26.3 Pounds
Sale Discount 19% 0%
Prime Exclusive No No

Both the MARMOT 27940-1937 and Coleman 2000007824 have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the MARMOT 27940-1937 is smaller compared to the Coleman 2000007824. From a weight perspective, the MARMOT 27940-1937 is lighter compared to the Coleman 2000007824. From a review count perspective, Coleman 2000007824 has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, MARMOT 27940-1937 has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the MARMOT 27940-1937 cost more than the Coleman 2000007824, making the Coleman 2000007824 the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the MARMOT 27940-1937 has less features compared to the Coleman 2000007824, which one should consider in addition to price.

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Daniel has experience camping across California in a variety of environments and parks. His interests in technology lead him to focus on writing about camping innovations.

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