MSR 040818098844 vs Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

MSR 040818098844 vs Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Product Comparison

MSR 040818098844 vs Createspace Independent Publishing Platform product comparison & buy recommendation

MSR 040818098844 vs Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Result

Considering rating, we recommend buying the MSR 040818098844
Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the MSR 040818098844
Considering price, we recommend buying the Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

👉 Overall, we would recommend buying the MSR 040818098844 🏅

When deciding between MSR 040818098844 vs Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the MSR 040818098844 and Createspace Independent Publishing Platform in our comparison table:

MSR 040818098844 Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Title MSR PocketRocket Ultralight Backpacking, Camping, and Travel Stove, PR 2: Ultra Compact The Amazing Wood-Gas Camping Stove: A Simple DIY Project
Price $33.69 $12.00 🏆
Rating 4.9 🏆 3.7
Reviews 2,883 🏆 44
Sales Rank 3593 2091590
Brand MSR Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Manufacturer Cascade Designs Inc. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Model 040818098844
  • Ultralight (2.6 oz) and compact (2x2x3 in) folding canister stove for minimalist adventures, backpacking, hiking, trekking, camping, and global travel
  • Boils one liter of water in just 3.5 minutes and flame easily adjusts from a simmer to a rolling boil for gourmet cooking in the outdoors
  • Fueled by high-performance isobutane-propane fuel canister (not included); self-sealing threaded canister fuel is available in most countries
  • Easy to setup and operate—no priming, preheating, or pressurizing is required; serrated pot-supports accommodate a wide range of pot sizes and styles
  • Lightweight protective case included; stove weighs 2.6 oz (4.2 oz with case), measures 4.8×4.8×3.6 inches open, collapses to 2x2x3 inches
  • Used Book in Good Condition
Warranty n/a n/a
Release Date n/a n/a
Height 7.25 Inches 9.0 Inches
Width 4.0 Inches 0.14 Inches
Length 5.0 Inches 6.0 Inches
Weight 0.16 Pounds 0.26 Pounds
Sale Discount 25% 0%
Prime Exclusive No No

Both the MSR 040818098844 and Createspace Independent Publishing Platform have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the MSR 040818098844 is larger compared to the Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. From a weight perspective, the MSR 040818098844 is lighter compared to the Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. From a review count perspective, MSR 040818098844 has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, MSR 040818098844 has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the MSR 040818098844 cost more than the Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, making the Createspace Independent Publishing Platform the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the MSR 040818098844 has more features compared to the Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, which one should consider in addition to price.

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Daniel has experience camping across California in a variety of environments and parks. His interests in technology lead him to focus on writing about camping innovations.

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