Kelly Kettle 50119 vs Kelly Kettle 50045

Kelly Kettle 50119 vs Kelly Kettle 50045 Product Comparison

Kelly Kettle 50119 vs Kelly Kettle 50045 product comparison & buy recommendation

Kelly Kettle 50119 vs Kelly Kettle 50045 Result

Considering rating, we recommend buying the Kelly Kettle 50119
Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the Kelly Kettle 50119
Considering price, we recommend buying the Kelly Kettle 50045

👉 Overall, we would recommend buying the Kelly Kettle 50119 🏅

When deciding between Kelly Kettle 50119 vs Kelly Kettle 50045, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the Kelly Kettle 50119 and Kelly Kettle 50045 in our comparison table:

Kelly Kettle 50119 Kelly Kettle 50045
Title Kelly Kettle Ultimate Base Camp Kit – 54 oz Large Stainless Steel Camp Kettle, Lightweight Camping Kettle with Whistle, Kelly Kettle Stove for Fishing, Hunting, Hiking Kelly Kettle Base Camp Stainless Steel Basic Kit 54 oz.(1.6 LTR) Large Stainless Steel Camp Kettle, Lightweight Camping Kettle with Whistle, Camp Stove for Fishing, Hunting, Hiking, Survival Gear
Price $179.99 $119.99 🏆
Rating 4.9 4.9
Reviews 155 🏆 117
Sales Rank n/a 108052
Brand Kelly Kettle Kelly Kettle
Manufacturer Kelly Kettle Kelly Kettle
Model 50119 50045
  • ✅ 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. The Base Camp Ultimate Kit includes Stainless Steel Base Camp Kettle, Cook set, Large Hobo Stove, Kelly Kettle Pot Support, 2 Stainless Steel Camping Cups, 2 Stainless Steel Camping Plates, Storage Bag. All items fit neatly within the kettle itself for transport / storage.
  • ✅ BOILS WATER ULTRA FAST. The Base Camp stainless steel camp kettle boils approximately 54 oz of water at a time. That’s about nine – 6 oz. mugs of water for camp coffee, tea or hot cocoa. The kettle will bring water to a boil within a matter of minutes. The best camping kettle for large groups, base camping, family camping, hunting, fishing, scouting, car camping, picnics, outdoor education, emergency preparedness kits, humanitarian aid stations.
  • ✅ BURNS ALL NATURAL FUEL. Never pack fuel again and save money. Kelly Kettles are cost free to run and eco-friendly, as they use all natural fuel such as twigs, dry grass, heather, birch bark, pine cones, dry animal dung, etc.
  • ✅ CAMPING KETTLE WITH WHISTLE. A green whistle has replaced the orange stopper on the Kelly Kettles and will sound a nice loud whistle to let you know when the water has boiled.
  • ✅ BEST CAMPING KETTLE IN BAD WEATHER. Kelly Kettles are the best kettles for camping as they work extremely well in stormy, windy weather conditions. They are a vital piece of camping equipment for any outdoor adventure. Extremely dependable as they have no moving parts to fail or break.
  • ✅ 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.The Base Camp is the largest of three Kelly Kettles. Fire base and drawstring carrying bag are included with each Kelly Kettle. The durable aluminium fire base inverts up into the bottom of the kettle to make the unit as compact as possible for transport and storage.
  • ✅ The Base Camp camp kettle boils approximately 54 oz of water at a time. That’s about nine – 6 oz. mugs of water for camp coffee, tea or hot cocoa. The kettle will bring water to a boil within a matter of minutes. The best camping kettle for large groups, base camping, family camping, hunting, fishing, scouting, car camping, picnics, outdoor education, emergency preparedness kits, humanitarian aid stations.
  • ✅ CAMPING KETTLE WITH WHISTLE. A green whistle has replaced the orange stopper on the Kelly Kettles and will sound a nice loud whistle to let you know when the water has boiled.
  • ✅ BURN ALL NATURAL FUEL. Never pack fuel again and save money. Kelly Kettles are cost free to run and eco-friendly, as they use all natural fuel such as twigs, dry grass, heather, birch bark, pine cones, dry animal dung, etc.
  • ✅ BEST CAMPING KETTLE IN BAD WEATHER. Kelly Kettles are the best kettles for camping as they work extremely well in stormy, windy weather conditions. They are a vital piece of camping equipment for any outdoor adventure. Extremely dependable as they have no moving parts to fail or break.
Warranty n/a n/a
Release Date n/a n/a
Height 1 7.3 Inches
Width 1 7.3 Inches
Length 1 15.0 Inches
Weight 3.4392112872 Pounds 2.6 Pounds
Sale Discount 0% 0%
Prime Exclusive No No

Both the Kelly Kettle 50119 and Kelly Kettle 50045 have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the Kelly Kettle 50119 is smaller compared to the Kelly Kettle 50045. From a weight perspective, the Kelly Kettle 50119 is heavier compared to the Kelly Kettle 50045. From a review count perspective, Kelly Kettle 50119 has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, Kelly Kettle 50119 has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the Kelly Kettle 50119 cost more than the Kelly Kettle 50045, making the Kelly Kettle 50045 the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the Kelly Kettle 50119 has the same features compared to the Kelly Kettle 50045, which one should consider in addition to price.

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Daniel has experience camping across California in a variety of environments and parks. His interests in technology lead him to focus on writing about camping innovations.

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