Jetboil GNSY vs Coleman 2000020951 product comparison & buy recommendation
Jetboil GNSY vs Coleman 2000020951 Result
Considering rating, we recommend buying the Jetboil GNSY Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the Coleman 2000020951 Considering price, we recommend buying the Coleman 2000020951
When deciding between Jetboil GNSY vs Coleman 2000020951, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the Jetboil GNSY and Coleman 2000020951 in our comparison table:
Jetboil GNSY
Coleman 2000020951
Jetboil Genesis Basecamp Backpacking and Camping Stove Cooking System with Camping Cookware
Coleman Portable Butane Stove with Carrying Case
$29.99 🏆
4.8 🏆
7,093 🏆
Sales Rank
Jetboil’s Genesis Basecamp portable propane stove features a dual-burner design that functions as a standalone camping stove or couples with other Jetlink-compatible stoves or a Luna satellite burner to create an outdoor cooking range.
The system’s 5-liter Jetboil FluxRing camping pot with strainer lid, and 10-inch ceramic-coated nonstick fry pan give you everything you need to set a new benchmark for basecamp cooking and all stows neatly in the included travel bag.
Ideal for all of your cooking needs in the outdoors, the beastly 10, 000 BTU heating system also boils water in just over three minutes—perfect for melting snow or making coffee.
An attachable windscreen improves the system’s performance in any weather; regulated for consistent performance down to 20 degrees F (-6 degrees C).
Includes: Compact folding 2 burner camping stove, 10-inch fryPan, 5 Liter FluxPot with strainer lid, and system carrying bag with pocket for regulator; compatible with standard 16.4 ounce propane bottle (sold separately); One-year limited warranty.
Measures: packed – 10.3 in x 7.2 in (262 mm x 183 mm); open – 20.5 in x 9.8 in (52.1 cm x 24.9 cm); weighs 9.1 lbs. (4.1 kg).
Ideal for: Backpacking, Camping, Camp Cooking, Basecamp Cooking, Overland Camping, Van Camping, RV Camping, Survival Camping, and Emergency Use.
For any adventure—from alpine expedition to a weekend trek—Jetboil offers a stove that will keep you fueled. When exploring the backcountry, a compact and efficient stove is fundamental, no matter the level of cuisine you want to create.
Instastart ignition for matchless lighting; 7,650 total BTUs of cooking power
Fits up to a 10-inch pan
Lasts up to 1.25 hours on high on one 8.8 oz. butane gas cylinder (sold separately)
Adjustable burner gives precise temperature control, and large base offers stability for easy stirring
Durable porcelain-coated grate is easy to clean, and aluminum burner is rust-proof for years of use
Carry case included
1-year limited warranty
1 year limited warranty
Manufacturer Warranty
Release Date
7.2 Inches
4.0 Inches
10.3 Inches
12.0 Inches
10.3 Inches
20.0 Inches
9.5 Pounds
4.68 Pounds
Sale Discount
Prime Exclusive
Both the Jetboil GNSY and Coleman 2000020951 have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the Jetboil GNSY is smaller compared to the Coleman 2000020951. From a weight perspective, the Jetboil GNSY is heavier compared to the Coleman 2000020951. From a review count perspective, Coleman 2000020951 has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, Jetboil GNSY has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the Jetboil GNSY cost more than the Coleman 2000020951, making the Coleman 2000020951 the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the Jetboil GNSY has more features compared to the Coleman 2000020951, which one should consider in addition to price.
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Daniel has experience camping across California in a variety of environments and parks. His interests in technology lead him to focus on writing about camping innovations.