Firebox vs MSR 040818098844

Firebox vs MSR 040818098844 Product Comparison

Firebox vs MSR 040818098844 product comparison & buy recommendation

Firebox vs MSR 040818098844 Result

Considering rating, we recommend buying the Firebox
Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the MSR 040818098844
Considering price, we recommend buying the MSR 040818098844

👉 Overall, we would recommend buying the MSR 040818098844 🏅

When deciding between Firebox vs MSR 040818098844, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the Firebox and MSR 040818098844 in our comparison table:

Firebox MSR 040818098844
Title Firebox Bushcraft Camp Stove Kit – Wood Burning/Multi Fuel – Collapsible/Folding – Portable Campfire – Model Gen 2 5 inch / G2-5″ Stainless Steel Camping Stove MSR PocketRocket Ultralight Backpacking, Camping, and Travel Stove, PR 2: Ultra Compact
Price $99.99 $33.69 🏆
Rating 4.9 4.9
Reviews 302 2,883 🏆
Sales Rank 103545 3593
Brand Firebox MSR
Manufacturer Folding Firebox Cascade Designs Inc.
Model 040818098844
  • MOST VERSATILE with more available accessories, a detachable Ash Pan and 4 Firesticks (which work as food skewers) means more possible setups / positions (Search YouTube “Firebox Stove Demonstration”). Plus the Firebox can be fueled several different ways (side, top or pre-fuel) including the revolutionary Swedish Torch Method (over an hour cook time with no fire management! Search YouTube “Firebox Stove Swedish Torch Breakfast”)
  • HIGHEST BTU OUTPUT Hinged damper for additional exhaust capacity allows more combustion air to support pre-fueling (other stoves with less exhaust capacity are forced to exhaust out the feed hole causing flame to pan bypass). Firebox always maintains flame to pan contact. Boil 2 cups of water as fast as 2:40 (Search YouTube “Firebox Stove Boil Test”) The Cross Feed Fuel Delivery with upwards angle for flame velocity and crossed sticks for turbulence is the perfect recipe for efficiency.
  • MOST DURABLE thicker stainless steel and an engineered expansion management system make the Firebox the strongest stove on the market with the least amount of warp (Search YouTube “Firebox Stove Engineered Warp Control”) barrel type hinges are stronger and don’t flex or slide like other hinge designs (Search YouTube “Firebox Camping Stove Strength Test!”)
  • EASY TO USE Firebox Firesticks are not cumbersome like other “trivets” and when stored serve to hold the Firebox closed in its folded position. Having two smaller feed ports (rather than one large hole) prevents debris from falling out even with a full burn chamber. Our four panel hinged folding design is more rigid and solid (not at all floppy like six panel accordion designs)
  • 100% stainless steel construction is easily maintained with a light coat of oil between uses. Used world wide since 2011.
  • Ultralight (2.6 oz) and compact (2x2x3 in) folding canister stove for minimalist adventures, backpacking, hiking, trekking, camping, and global travel
  • Boils one liter of water in just 3.5 minutes and flame easily adjusts from a simmer to a rolling boil for gourmet cooking in the outdoors
  • Fueled by high-performance isobutane-propane fuel canister (not included); self-sealing threaded canister fuel is available in most countries
  • Easy to setup and operate—no priming, preheating, or pressurizing is required; serrated pot-supports accommodate a wide range of pot sizes and styles
  • Lightweight protective case included; stove weighs 2.6 oz (4.2 oz with case), measures 4.8×4.8×3.6 inches open, collapses to 2x2x3 inches
Warranty n/a n/a
Release Date n/a n/a
Height 50.0 Centimeters 7.25 Inches
Width 100.0 Centimeters 4.0 Inches
Length 100.0 Centimeters 5.0 Inches
Weight 0 0.16 Pounds
Sale Discount 0% 25%
Prime Exclusive No No

Both the Firebox and MSR 040818098844 have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the Firebox is larger compared to the MSR 040818098844. From a weight perspective, the Firebox is lighter compared to the MSR 040818098844. From a review count perspective, MSR 040818098844 has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, Firebox has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the Firebox cost more than the MSR 040818098844, making the MSR 040818098844 the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the Firebox has the same features compared to the MSR 040818098844, which one should consider in addition to price.

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Daniel has experience camping across California in a variety of environments and parks. His interests in technology lead him to focus on writing about camping innovations.

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