You might be wondering how to create a camping campfire with wet wood or if it is possible in the rain, but do not despair! It all comes down to if you have the right kindling to get the fire initially started and to burn off the moisture. You will also need direct cover from the rain, but be careful as the smoke from the fire will char the cover you use.

Creating a campfire follows more or less the same steps when it comes to wet wood, but the major change is made in the selection of tinder.
In case of this, you can use the followings as good tinder:
- Petroleum jelly
- Petroleum jelly is often carried in our backpacks, and you can use this daily commodity while creating a campfire. You can soak cotton balls in petroleum jelly and set them on fire. This will dry the tinder up and set them on fire as well.
- Char Cloth
- Char cloths are great for burning wood in wet conditions. The best part is, you can create them by yourself in your home and carry them with you!
- Tree Barks
- Tree barks are found wet after rain, but you’ll be able to extract dry wood after you peel the exterior off.
- Steel Wool
- Steel wool is highly flammable, and it can be lit by rubbing it against a 9-volt battery easily.
How to Keep a Campfire Burning in Rain?
The best way to keep your fire burning is by creating a roof above it. For starters, you can place a huge log just above the center. Another great hack is to put tinfoil right on top of the fire, as it can repel the water and withstand the temperature as well.
If you’re moving in big groups, you can carry burn barrels. As you probably know already, these barrels are pretty good at lighting up. However, these aren’t easy to carry, and it’s impossible to carry one if you’re traveling solo.